For about a month, I've looked over JobsDB, Jobstreet, etc to find a job that I really like. But well, I found nothing. I think I just don't wanna spend my whole teenage life in an office, from 9 to 5 everyday and still suffering because of the income... :( So, suddenly the SIA things popped up in my mind. HA! a bit crazy... I'm not that pretty, and they only choose like dozens over thousands people every year. I give a call to my friend that worked with SIA before, and I have to be honest that I'm so not confident when listening to her stories. But, I keep thinking about it, and my mind reminds me not to give up. Why don't give it a try?? I love both people and travel. It is very well-paid and yes, it is based in Singapore. I'm tired already with all the traffic things that make me unproductive here, in Jakarta. Please, no judging. It's not that I'm not grateful for what I have now. I just try to figure out a better way to life. :P
We all know about it. Everything has its price and nowadays the price is less cheaper because you have GOOGLE! you can just type and search all the information you want to know.. for FREE! :P I've read many blogs about SIA interview and it really helps me lot! So, that's what I'm going to do now.... share my experience! Enjoy! :)
Good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation. It's true. When I decide to apply for this job, the first thing I do is finding out about the interview process and the possible interview questions. Find as much as possible. Practice often in front of the mirror and keep smiling! You don't want to look stiff, so answer it with a simple, straight forward answers; presented in a way as natural as possible. Then, on that important day, come early. It's always good to be early. Everything's still fresh and you can calm down a little bit before passing through all stages. Just fyi, I woke up at 3am and arrived at JDC at 6am on that day. I am the very first person... I got no.002! hahahaa.. I'm sure they will appreciate you more if you come very early to get the interview :))
PS: Try to get along with others! It will help you to be more relax and enjoy the process... as we all will go through the same things! I'm so grateful that I met many many very nice friends there.. we share together and encourage each other from the very first round until the final! =)
4. STAGE 1- Educational Background& Working Experience
You have to get diploma/ bachelor degree to passed this stage. Having some working experience is also an advantage for you. It shows that you are experienced enough to work in the service business. I have no worries for this stage..
5. STAGE 2- Height/ Weight Check
Nah! This is where I am so panic! hahahaa.. To be honest, I don't think my height is good enough for this job. I've measured it before at home (with a ruler :P) and it's just 157 cm. So, when I went through this stage, I really prayed a lot and just surrenderrrr... First, I thought they would give us like a red tape mark on the wall and ask us to reach it with our arms (i’ve practiced it at home).. but, they don’t! They really measured it! I put off my heels, stand next to the wall to measure my height, weigh myself.... and then I PASSED!! OH GOD! Thank You so much! I keep praying at that timeee!! It's like a miracle!! You can't imagine how happy I am at that time! hahahaa.. Later I know I'm 158cm (JUST RIGHT!!) and 48.6kg... My BMI is 19.47.. Normal weight! :D As you can't be underweight or overweight to pass this stage.. check your BMI here!
6. STAGE 3- Mass Introduction w/ One Random Question
All stages is important! But this one will decide you get in or not to the next stage, and many get kicked out here. So, you really have to do your homework here. Practice your intro! You will be moved in a group of 10 to a room where 2 interviewers are waiting for you. They will ask you to introduce yourself and answer one random question in 1 (one) minute. Don't blabbering. Keep smiling and make eyes contact to show your confidence. Try to introduce yourself in 45 seconds, and give 15 seconds left to answer that one random question. The introduction should be simple and to the point. Don't be cocky by saying that you will be a great asset for the company or they should hire you because of blablablaa.. They don't need that. They are not looking for a marketing. Instead, they look for a person who can serve any kind of passengers. Just try to be a nice, friendly person with a humble attitude.
As for myself, "Hi. Good morning, I'm XXX. I'm turning 23 this year. I graduated 2 years ago, and previously I worked as XXX. I was responsible to XXX. Then in my spare time, I like to XXX. Well then today I'm here because XXX. I think being a cabin crew is the best job that I could dream of and to join SIA is kind of privilege for me. So, I hope I can be one of your Singapore Girls. Thank You."
Anyway, I don't suggest you copy my intro because if the others do the same too, trust me, it won't be good for the interview. It's just an example. Find out more about the cabin crew jobs and try to relate it with your intro. Don't forget to keep smiling and listening to others.. If you make mistakes, don't worry. I did. Even I've practiced my intro like dozens of times! I'm just too nervous!! hahahaa.. just quickly said sorry and continued the intro.. :)
Next, for one random question, they asked me 'What is service?'
Hemm.. I don’t really remember my answer.. I said service is what makes us different, what makes people come back. It’s about loyalty and how to make customer happy, and so on… seriously I’m blank.. just pray and try your best here.. :)
After that, I was told to wait like 10 minutes.. and TARAAA.. a man come and bring me a happy news! I am passed! THANK GOD again! So happy!! hahahaa.. well, I just happy every time I passed a stage… it’s an amazing feeling! x) Thank God again that 6 of 10 from my round get into the next stage! You know what… It’s seriously like another miracle because later I heard that only like 1 or 2 get passed from 10 people.. Praise God!
7. STAGE 4- English Written Test
I was then asked to do an English test. There are 3 sections. First, fill in questions which involve a basic grammar. Then, reading with 3 multiple choice questions. Last, writing a short story around 70- 100 words about Indonesia. Hemm.. I think the test is not something you should worry.. It’s not that hard :) For the essay, I wrote about Jakarta with its food, Bali with its beach, scenery, and so on… hahahaa.. I do hate writing actually, but I enjoy this time :) After this test, I have to wait like 10 mins for a nice woman to check our paper test. Then again.... TARAAA... I am passed with the other 5 people! We have to come back again tomorrow at 8.30am for another stage... We all go home with a super wide smile! :D :D :D
(next day)
8. STAGE 5- 1 To 1 Interview
I came very early today and I'm the first person to be interviewed. Dagdigdugg... that's all I can tell you! My interviewer is a man, Singaporean with a very serious face. Hemm.. So, he asked me to stand up, read a passage. It’s about a man complaints about the lavatory since it was full and dirty.. What I have to do? I said I will say sorry for the inconvenience.. but he said, it’s not my fault.. we argued a little bit.. I said that people like it when we say sorry, blablabla, and I suggest some weird inputs.. I said I will tell the supervisor to get more lavatories in the plane.. loll.. WHO AM I??? hahahhaaaa.. It’s really stupid huh.. but well, the rice has become porridge.. so I just continued and at the end, he said I didn’t solve the problem.. T.T
Next, he asked me lots questions, seriously A LOT. First, 'Tell me more about yourself!" At that time, I'm started blank.. I repeated my words in intro... fuhh.. :( thank God, he continued his questions... "Tell me about your family!" Yay! I said I have a great family. I have 5 members including me. My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a housewife. I'm living in a Chinese family that is pretty strict about the manners, blablablaa.. When he heard my dad's job, he was quite shocked and asked whether my parents know I’m applying here. I said no, but I’ve already asked the permission and they support it because they know it is what I really want to do. I just want to make it as a surprise if I get through.. *to be honest, I don’t have too much confidence..that’s why I don’t tell them :P Anyway, he continued the question.. Why I want to be a cabin crew? Do you have maid? Do you know what does a maid do? Yes, yes, doing anything that we don’t like to do! hahahaa.. It’s true.. but I tried to convince him that I'm okay with that. I do love this job. I love people, I love traveling, I love service, and I'm used to do housing stuff at home; ironing, washing clothes, plates, etc. My mom always taught me that a good woman should be able to do that kind of stuffs :) Next, he asked when I wanna get married, and until when I want to get this job? I said I don’t want to marry too soon because I have one little brother and it’s not easy to raise a child. I plan to be in SIA for 2,3, or 5 years, and then maybe I could move to ground positions.. Then, he rejected it.. He said, No, you cannot. Hemmm.. I’m speechless.. Everytime I speak, he refused me. So, I said.. okay, as long as possible.. hahahaa.. well then, there are still more, more, and more questions.. I forgot all.. but I remembered it was a nice conversation even he kept trying to break my spirit and make me give up. I’m so nervous, yet I laughed most of the time at this interview. How come I not laugh when he kept trying to convince me that this job is not that good?? Lol. Finished with this, I got to wait. I think this interview lasted about 15 or 20 mins because it's quite long... After waiting, a man called my name, and said.. CONGRATULATION.. please come again for the final interview on May.. We will tell you the detail soon.. WOHOOO.. how happy!!!!!! but, it’s on May! I’ve waited to wait like a month for the certainty… but it's okay. I’m still thanking GODDD…. muahmuahmuaahh.. It's like a dream!! x)
Xox, J