Sunday, April 8, 2018


Jakarta, 08.04.18

I woke up early today, feeling so nervous because I’m gonna test whether I’m pregnant or not. I already late for 5 days since my PMS usually starts on 4th.. So, with a hopeful heart, I tried and I saw the two strips on my test pack! YAA!! I’m so excited to tell my hubby that I’m pregnant!!!👶🏻💕 

He’s still asleep when I did the test, so I don’t want to wake him up too early. I waited a bit until he went to pee, then I can’t hold it anymore hahahaa when he went back to bed, I show my testpack in front of his eyes. Then, suddenly he opened his eyes, don’t understand what does the two strips mean. LOL. I explained to him then hahahahaa.. I can tell that he is very happy with the baby inside my tummy..😊

We went to Dr. Liherny from RSIA Family then. Unfortunately, the baby hasn’t showed up, but I was told to do some blood test for checking pregnancy. After about 3 hours, the result came. The nurse text us and told that I’M POSITIVE PREGNANT!❤️


With Love,

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Up and Down of Life

SIN, 27.10.15

Recently, someone gave me one devotional readings named 'Streams in the Desert' by L.B. Cowman. She believed it has blessed her a lot in three years waiting for God's answer. I'm not a book-lover, but when I roughly read few pages, I kinda excited to read it. So yay to the day one of me reading! hahahaa let me share what I got here :D

"But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven, a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year." - Deuteronomy 11:11-12

As a normal human being, I cannot see what's in the future. I do feel upset and stress when facing difficulties or tired of working or when I look up to people who live their life so free and relax. Sometimes I just want to be them. I think everyone know what I feel.... am I right?

But today's message remind me that what is a life if it's always smooth and level?? I will get bored and still, complaining because life is too flat. Why I have nothing to do? nothing to accomplish? and the list goes on..... ha ha ha. Sooo.... what God promises in this life is actually a land of mountains/ hills and valleys. It won't be flat. We'll face difficulties and challenges as we climb up from the valley to the hill. Yet, it will make us stronger as a person and appreciate our blessings even more. I remember there's one time in San Francisco when I bike a cycle and climb up to get into one place named Point Bonita Lighthouse. From 12pm until around 5pm, I kept telling my friend I wanna give up like maybe hundred times as we kept looking at the map and it felt like we'll never everfind the place we wanna go. Hahahaa.. It's really so tiringggg! My legs numb and yes, every summer is cold in SF. That's true. It's very windy and I can't bear the cold T.T  HOWEVER! we eventually made it! I'm so thankful that my friend never give up hahahaa.. the view is just so beautiful! we reach there just at a nice time, sunset! no words can describe how pretty it is! Once we reach there, we just lay down and enjoy the view! I feel all the hard work paid hahahaa.. even we missed the ferry back after that.... and must cycle again through the foggy Golden Gate bridge at night. We back hotel around 10 pm. It's all worth it...! hahahaa...

OK! so let me continue.. hahahaa.. as I read again, this verse below caught my attention...

"So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today--to love the LORD your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul- then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil. I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied." - Deuteronomy 11:13-15

Here, I am curious why it's only autumn and spring rains. My curiosity leads me to Google. hahahaa.. I searched and quite WOW with what I got. Autumn rain which falls around October is the time when people need the rain to prepare the soil for the seed and keep it moist, to grow and spring up. Meanwhile, spring rain which falls around March or April is the time when it about to harvest. The rain is needed to ripen the corn, to make it yield more and better. Do you get what I get?? I feel it's like a reminder that God knows exactly what we need. He knows the best timing. Like one of my favorite verse from Ecclesiastes 3:11 saying, "He has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

Going through so many challenges in life, it might be not easy. But, I believe God leads us on and we need only to trust Him... Have a blessed day ahead! :D

-- listen this new song from Hillsong to start and end the day! :) 
Remember Love. Remember Mercy...  

With Love,

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Life of a Cabin Crew

Tokyo, 19.10.15

Hello. Welcome me back!
After about 2 years, here I'm thinking to continue my blog....

Maybe some of you will wonder how have I been? how does it feel to be a cabin crew??
Let me tell you. It's really such an amazing experience for me. I'm totally feel grateful for this job. All the perks people mentioned about being a cabin crew is true. I can be in so many countries in just a week. Best part is that once I've done with my flying duties, I have my own time to do things. exploring one country with my own time before my next flight. My life is totally like a dream and many will envy how easy I can be in everywhere. I can go crazy shopping in states and back in japan to taste the real ramen! Yes. i have to say yes, I'm indeed so blessed to be able to see this pretty amazing world. But erm.. if you say it's free. I don't agree......

Honestly speaking, this job kinda changes my life and how people look at me. I'm used to be just a simple, happy girl who never like to put on make up and dress up properly. When my friends see I doll up myself, they will be wondering what happened.. hahahahaaa that's because I always think it's a waste of time to put on make up and oh yeah, removing eyeliner and mascara take time indeed!!! ha ha ha that's how lazy I was back then.

How about now? I think I've changed and that's what all people said; including my best friends. They kinda surprise...... actually, not only them. I myself surprised! It's all started because of some 'pressure' by this company I'm working with.. 3.5 months wake up 2 to 3 hours earlier just to put on make up.... balancing left side and right side eye shadow with 4 types of colors, covering some spots on my face, putting on coral blush on my cheeks, curling eyelashes, mascara, powder blablablaaa... not forget to mention how frustrating it is to manage my hair so it won't fall down when I bow my head down.. like perhaps, one bottle of hairspray for 2 weeks!? hahahaa it sounds funny as i look back how I struggle with all of these 'girl' things... but i tell you guys.. at that time, it wasn't funny at all. I wanna give up! like hundred times maybe.... why?? because it's just so tiringgggg and sometimes, no matter how hard you try to be pretty, there's always prettier girl around you which makes you feel insecure and more pressurized.. :'(

After training ended, that 'pressure' continues..... of course. As cabin crew, we're expected to be pretty when donning our uniform. When the flight departs at 6pm, we got to be ready at airport like 2 hours before for the briefing, with all the make up on our face; which means we have to be wake up like 1 or 2 pm.. 5hrs before the flight itself... Early morning flight is a struggle indeed. Most of the time, we got jet lag and trouble in sleeping like normal people..... Sad is when you're so awake while trying hard to sleep for your next morning flight. Always haunted by a feeling of 'how I can work tomorrow if I can't sleep now.....?' because no matter how tired you are, you still need to work. Pax won't really care about it. They still expect a good service during the flight and i bet you don't want to ruin their day as some maybe about to have holiday, start their honeymoon, or perhaps just simply fly for a short business trip....

Worst part is when it is a long flight and you missed some events and gathering with your family and friends. You feel alone and home sick. You just want to be at home surrounded with all the people you love. Well, that's how I feel now..... can't wait to be back home! ^^

That's a glimpse of how my life is now. It might sound not as good as what you expect it to be. Nevertheless, if you ask me whether you should apply and try for this job.. my answer is YES. I never regret the choice I made for this job and I highly encourage all of you who loves traveling and want to see the world to give it a try :) As I travel, my mind changed and widely opened. I can feel I become more independent, tolerant and flexible as I see this world and meet so many people with different kind of personalities. I feel that this world is pretty amazing and we shouldn't waste a single time of complaining our life.. haha.. i know it's easier said than done.. :P But well, when you travel, you will know what I mean....... :D :D

With love,

Friday, August 16, 2013


First of all, Happy Independence Day, Indonesia :)

Hi again. I would like to give an update. :)
So, after suchhh a longgg waitingggg..... I got an email on June 30th!
What did I get? Em.. not really the "answer" that I'm waiting for..
But at least they said my work pass was on process.. probably takes 10 up to 14 days to be approved :)

After few weeks........ Aug 14th..
KRIIIIINGGG2..... *well, it's not exactly how my phone rings*
I got a call early in the morning, like at 9am! I haven't fully woke up yet, but when I saw the number....
IT STARTS WITH +65..... my eyes widened!! I quickly picked up the calls...
and YES. YES. It's from Singapore Airlines! :D
They told me my work pass has been approved by the MOM, and they asked whether I could depart to Singapore on September 30th... WOHOOO! they don't need to ask. The answer is of course, CAN! faster if possible! hahahaaa.. So, later they sent me the details..... and I was so damn happy.

They just made my day and I hope that day soon arrives! :D :D :D

Xox, J

Friday, July 19, 2013

SIA Cabin Crew: Possible Interview Questions

Now before I compile all possible questions for the interview, I wanna thank all bloggers who kindly share their experiences. I learnt a lot from them! Thanks!♥

One random question in introduction is vary greatly.. Though, i listed some most common questions here.. Practice answering it in less than a minute! Anyway, I heard they actually don't mind your answer. They just wanna know how you present your answer. Keep smiling, and answer it confidently. Good luck! ^^

  1. What is service?
  2. Why do you want to join SIA and not other Airlines?
  3. What do you think flight attendant is?
  4. If you have to be a celebrity for a day, who do you want to be and why?
  5. What do you usually have for lunch and why?
  6. Which places of interest in Singapore would you bring a tourist to and why?
  7. What is your favorite movie?
  8. What is your favorite food and state why?
  9. What is your favorite fruit and why?
  10. What fruit suits your personality?
  11. Include one new destination to SIA's network and give us your reasons for including that destination.
  12. If you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you want to be stuck on there with?
  13. What is your favorite color and why?What food will you introduce to your friend and why?

Go ahead, if you passed this stage, they will bring you to 1 to 1 and Final interview. Congrats! :D
Here, they wanna know you are serious in this business, so they will try their best to make you give up. But, don't worry too much. This is actually more like a conversation if you can enjoy it. Answer it like talking to an older friend. Keep smiling.. :) You can practice a bit using this questions below. It's quite many huh? That's all I found.. hahahaa.. Nonetheless, it really helps! *especially if you're not confident with your English.. like me :P
  1. Tell us more about yourself.
  2. Tell us about your current or your previous job?.
  3. Why do you quit your job?
  4. Why do you choose to be a cabin crew?
  5. What do you know about cabin crew job?
  6. Why do you think service is important?
  7. Tell us about your family.
  8. What do you think of SIA inflight service?
  9. If you are selected, how well or how do you think you can contribute to SIA as a cabin crew?
  10. How long do you want to stay as cabin crew?
  11. How well prepared are you for this interview? (if you say yes, they will ask you about your findings)
  12. What is so remarkable about SIA?
  13. What do you do in your spare time? Tell us your hobbies.
  14. How do you feel about being away most of the time? Is it okay to stay abroad?
  15. How determine are you in wanting to be an SIA stewardess?
  16. What are the disadvantages of being a flight attendant?
  17. Why do you think teamwork is important?
  18. Why do you think good grooming is important for a cabin crew?
  19. Why must a cabin crew smiles a lot?
  20. What types of people would SIA want as cabin crew?
  21. What are the characteristics you think an SIA girl/ cabin crew should posses
  22. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  23. Tell us about any one achievement of yours.
  24. What would be the greatest obstacle if you get the job?
  25. How do you handle passengers?
  26. What is your strength and weakness?
  27. What is the difference between good customer service, and exceptional customer service?
  28. What is your favorite past time?
  29. What is your favorite subject?
  30. Describe your working style.
  31. What is your communication style?
  32. How would you deal with angry passenger?
  33. What qualities do you like in your friends or co-workers and why?
  34. What do you notice first when you see a flight attendant?
  35. Are you a day or night person? or can you work nights, weekends and holidays?
  36. Describe in 3 words what type of person you are.
  37. What do your friends think of you?
  38. What would you do if someone disagrees with you?
  39. What would you do if you receive bad service?
  40. How quick are you able to leave your present job if SIA wants to employ you?
  41. Name 3 things a passenger expects from a cabin crew.
  42. What types of passenger do you like to serve?
  43. How do you anticipate a passenger’s needs?
  44. What did you do on the day before this interview?
  45. What would be the first thing you would do if you have been successful at today’s interview?
  46. What types of articles in the newspaper that are of interest to you?
  47. What did you do on the day before this interview?
  48. What sorts of books do you read?
  49. What is an offline station? Online station?
  50. What was the happiest event you had in the last 12 months?
  51. What were your saddest moments?               
  52. What type of work do you like best?
  53. Why should we hire you?
  54. How do you handle stressful situations?
  55. How do you motivate yourself?
  56. If you don’t get the job, what else would you do?
  57. If you were to do a task with someone would you chose a strong person or weaker?
  58. Why should we take you over other candidates?
  59. How would you handle disagreements between passengers?
  60. How do you feel about the dress code and professional standards?

If you wanna know my answer, just drop a comment below :)

Xox, J

Thursday, July 18, 2013

SIA Cabin Crew: Little tips to nail the interview

Good news! SIA is recruiting again! Give a try, girls! :)

So, as I'm still waiting for the "Golden Call" that I don't know when it will come, I'm going to put everything I know about Singapore Airlines.. Hope it helps anyone who is attending the interview :)

The content of CV is important. Try to relate it with this job. For example, you love working in the service business, have a good communication skills, etc.. Nonetheless, make your CV easy to read and looks professional.

When you go to the interview, wear something formal and look pleasantly. Try to avoid using jeans. As for me, I'm trying to look simple yet classy, like office wear. Me? I wore red blouse and black slack and heels.

When you get this job, there are only two options available for your hair. Up do your hair, make a bun OR they will ask you to get short hair cut. So, it's best to up do your hair when you go to the interview. It will make you look neat and more presentable :)

Okay, this is important. You don't want to have pimples around your face, right?? hahahaa.. So, try your best to protect your face. When you go outdoor,  use sunblock. Eat less nuts, oily food. Eat more fruits and vegetables! Then your face will be shininggg on the stage! hahahaa.. Oh yah, also watch your back. Get rid your back acne if you have some. They check it later on the final....

I think we all know that Singapore Airlines has its own make-up style. Bright blue eyeshadow (or brown, plum) is recommended. Just use the one that suits you best! Plus, red lipstick to make you look fresh. Their preferred brand is Lancome, but don't worry.. they won't know what brand you are using.. hahahaa..

Hemm.. this is the additional one. It's not a must, but it will be good if you stick red color to your nails! This is just a way to be looked more like a 'Singapore Girl'.. :P

To conclude, just present yourself as a person that brings Asian warmth and hospitality..... :D


Xox, J

Saturday, May 18, 2013

SIA Cabin Crew: Happy Final Interview


Oh well, you have no idea how I’m waiting for this month.. I finally got the date for the final interview and it was on May 18th, 2013!! still so long huh... A day is really like a year when you wait for something… :'( Anyway, there are 36 people passed through the previous stages. I was scheduled to have interview at 11am and it was is in Ritz-Carlton Kuningan..

Sooo„ before this final day, I prepared myself again. I went to the salon, updo may hair, mani pedi my nails with the shining red color, waxing, and so on….. I tried my best to look like a real SIA cabin crew because I really want to get in!!! x)

I got there at 10am, but it turned out that my interview was at 12am. I was the last person before all interviewers went to lunch! Hmf… I really hoped they are not bored yet since they already interviewed half of all…. :/

1. Kebaya and Skin check
This is the first step. I wore the SIA kebaya and it was gorgeousss! I love ittt! hahahaa.. Then, a woman named Mrs. Clara checked my skin under a very bright light... she asked me to turn left and right, checking any single spot in my face, looking for any pimples.. then my arms, my feet.. if there is any scars or tattoos, or anything… hmff… then she measured my height and weight again... My weight is 0.3 kg less than before and I really scared I will be kicked out because of that..

2. Walking with the Kebaya
After done with the skin check, I walked with the kebaya. She stopped me. She asked whether I’m used to bring heavy back on my right side shoulder.. AM I? I have no idea.. omg.. She asked me to walk again with more relax.. and I saw her sighing.. oh gosh.. I thought she will reject me because of that.. :'(

3. Final Interview
They don't give us the result first until this last final interview. I was moved to a room with 2 interviewers inside. They are Singaporean men, both from the SIA management. So, the first thing they asked to me was.. "What do you do now for living?" Boo! I said I’m unemployed right now. I quit my job on December because I want to continue my study, but then the SIA things popped up in my mind, so blablablaa... Now I just help my mom to take care of my lil brother, teach him, and blablabla... I think my answer was not relevant enough huhh.... I'm just too nervous!! T.T Argg.. I even forgot most of the questions and my answers. They also asked me about my family, and is it okay to stay in Singapore.. of course! I like Singapore! It is clean, orderly, and it’s a place worth living.. I’ve been to Singapore like many times.. LOL.. (not that much actually.. hahahaa.. It just come out from my mouth).. hahahaa.. at the end, they asked me to read a passage.. I just read it. At first I read it too fast, but then I managed to slowly read it :) Last, they asked if there is any question I want to ask.. I asked them for the result.. hahahaa.. but they don’t allow it.. :P well, at the end.. the interview is over!! Fuuh... I quickly went to the toilet.. and and and and and when I come out, the guy who always announces the result come out from the door, meet me, and said…. CONGRATULATIONS! wooooooooo!! I almost can’t believe it that I asked him several timesss!! It’s really amazing! Thank You God! Praise You Lord! I won't forget that moment! I was asked to come again around 1pm because they wanna take a break now and I need to fill the employment letter and there is a little briefing before going home…Woohoo.. no problem.. I could even stay all day there! hahahaa.. I am just soooo happyyy, TOO HAPPY!! One step closer to my dreamm. I keep smiling all dayyy! x)

Okay, enough with daydreaming.. :P
So, after all the terrifying stages, we still have go through medical check-up (med-ex)..

The first med-ex is in Jakarta, around Kuningan. I did it on May 22nd, 2013.. Hmhh... I was quite afraid as it was my first time. I never did med-ex in my whole life! I really hope I'm healthy enough to fly abroad *fingerscrossed

What they checked? eyes, blood test, urine, x-ray to see my lung condition, and then a common medical check up by the doctor. Even my eyes are considered normal, they still asked me to go to the eyes center. It turned out that I got minus on my eyes; left -0.25 and right -0.50.. -_-"

After the check up??

WAITING. YES. WAITING. Seriously, to get this job, all you can do is waiting and waiting, up to 4 months. There is no certainty until you get the training date. For now, I’m waiting for the call… to have another medical check up in Singapore… I think I have passed the med-ex in Jakarta as it's been more than a month.. Fiuhhh.. it's really not a short way to get in the flight.. wish me luckk! ;)

At last, I just wanna said that I feel so blessed and grateful that I could be one of the twelve people there! Thank You God! =)

To all of you who are intending to attend SIA interview, GO AHEAD! Be yourself, do your best, and let you shine like a diamond! :P I was told that to be chosen, it's more than just a good look, so just give it a shot! I myself even never imagine I can pass this interview... Best luck to you all!

Xox, J